
SteadiDrone QU4D Fighting Walrus Modifications


Patrick spoke with with Bryan Galusha at the recent Robotics block party and he had something to share with sUAS News.

We are excited to announce the Fighting Walrus fully-integrated RTF airframe!  This ready-to-fly airframe incorporates the features what our customers wanted most:

1.  Streaming 1080p video

2.Manual control with the iOS device

3.  Low cost Ready-To-Fly kits

The RTF Airframe will integrate with the Fighting Walrus Radio to enable an unparalleled ground station experience.  Video streams from the drone are geo-encoded and embedded into the iOS application, allowing users to monitor drone orientation and position while watching the video stream.

Full story

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  • We made a major mistake and we apologize we are changing all press and the campaign to clarify.

    "SteadiDrone QU4D Fighting Walrus Modifications"

    Is the correct description.  We are adding electronics and hardware to increase the performance so it integrates better with our SW.

  • But you can comment on the campaign since you have contributed to it. And it will be public for all to see. Best part they can't take the comment down. Yes these guys seem to be real stand up people at fighting walrus. Go to the steadidrone owner page on Facebook Duran is always helping and answering questions for everyone. Where I am from in the US we don't support these types of companies no matter how good the product. We buy the original product that has great customer support. 

  • "It sounds like trying to get a piece of the hardware pie, without really doing much."

    Very much so R_Lefebvre

  • So I've read that you can't just pull a contribution from an Indiegogo campaign, however IF the campaign gets funded you can request a refund from the campaign owners. Given the ethics shown thus far, I'm probably not going to get my contribution back.

    I am looking into notifying Indiegogo to find alternative courses of action.
  • Yip, Bryan has stopped communcation with us now as well. Super dodgy stuff. I'm simply shocked at what they have tried to do

  • So hang on, Bryan's idea to "hotrod" the QU4D was sell coloured arm coverings.  And bigger ESC's (that I imagine they would get elsewhere and brand-label).  And a "more expensive GPS" (but not proven better, what's better than the Ublox?  I'm not aware of anything).  And a sonar, that is already off-the-shelf.

    It sounds like trying to get a piece of the hardware pie, without really doing much.

  • Duran, As soon as I saw it on SUAS news I knew it was a QU4D hence my posting in the SD owners group. I thought all was legit as the Indiegogo campaign featured SD products, but now as I check the campaign page, all SD products are removed.

    This is pretty shady.
  • Michael, your a QU4D owner and know it well, you can clearly see it's a QU4D, we can prove purchase invoice for Bryan's QU4D they baught, a hole host of Skype messages and emails. The're initial campaign featured the QU4D but now they have 'their own' RTF airframes. We have laid a formal complaint to indigogo as well.

  • Moving forward does not mean stealing someone's frame design changing one color and calling it yours. That is called theft and lack of talent to make your own design.

  • Bryan , need some answers here. I will be looking into pulling my support from the Indiegogo campaign as your ethics appear to be severely flawed.
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