3D Robotics

Final ArduPilot production candidate

Third time's the charm! This is the ArduPilot board that's now going through the production process. If it passes QA, we're good to go! No big functional changes, but we added the option to use external power or RC receiver power, and we've broken out unused Atmega pins so you can use them if you want. Some other wiring changes, so you'll want to use the latest code. Eagle files here.
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  • 3D Robotics
    I'm afraid not. This stuff here is all ancient and the software doesn't support it anymore. The current board is just $24, so we didn't see any advantage in people trying to cobble together one of their own.
  • Is there a simple through hole board available for the average hobbyist? I am looking for a one sided or simple two sided board that I can make here at home.
  • Hi Chris,

    Is it possible to get one shipped to Australia when they are ready?

  • 3D Robotics
    fma is the way to go now
  • @Chris Thanks for the quick response. I'll buy a built up board, sounds like it will be quicker at this point anyway. I have all the tools, so I'm ready. Will the thermopile boards be available as well, or is the fma version the way to go for now?
  • 3D Robotics
    @Jhon: Please wait until release. We'll post instructions and all necessary gear then.

    (The info is all here already, but if you're not familiar with electronics it may be hard to find. Basically, what you'll need is just an FTDI cable)
  • im still a bit lost, im pretty ignorant in electronic devices,

    so wahts extactly what i will need to buy to interconnect ardupilot with my computer in order to upgrade the code ?

    i need buy that ? ttp://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=666

  • 3D Robotics
    @Nick: Not this version. Lots of sim time, though, so we're pretty confident. We'll test in the air on a couple platforms (Superstar and EasyGlider) before shipping, but you should expect the code to continue to evolve even after the hardware is frozen.
  • One month! Yay!
    Quick question: Has the Ardupilot gone through any real flight testing yet?
  • 3D Robotics
    @Aristotle: we should have populated boards in a week or two, and if the QA goes well they will be on sale in a month.

    I'll post a BatchPCB link in the next day or so for those who want to do it all themselves--the typical BatchPCB turnaround is about a month. But at this point we're recommending that people wait to buy the built-up boards, which will have all the hard work already done.
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