flying same apm2 and 433 mhz radios as usual. still decoding sparkfun datalogger data on apm2 serial line. radios did not work again. we lost the atv antenna at 1000 ft agl. my stuff this time eas in. lower box.
launching plane to 2000 ft next saturday.
Interesting! I see the temperature tries to rise again just before hitting 0 and then the steady climb from 0. What causes that little reversal in temperature?
Great Stuff Earl Good Luck with the Glider
launching plane to 2000 ft next saturday.
Nice flight 90,000 feet, I want attend next launch with Plane drop!
Interesting! I see the temperature tries to rise again just before hitting 0 and then the steady climb from 0. What causes that little reversal in temperature?
Exciting stuff! Good luck !!
well good can you post some pics at 89000 thanks it is
Volts and Temp
Thats where we turned it off at the shop !
Flight data
Lift off - 9:36:32 MST
Burst - 10:46:40 MST
Touch Down - 11:13:16 MST
Lost ATV video antenna at 1000 ft AGL on liftoff. Darn, video was looking great till then.
Alt reached was > 89000 feet.
maybe friday 13 launch date was not such a good idea