What could be more fun than hacking an RTF quadcopter to fly with your own custom firmware? How about hacking with your own DIY Arduino-compatible 32-bit flight controller? This tutorial shows how I did it. Advantages of using this controller include:
- Access to the huge selection of Arduino-compatible add-on sensors (distance, optical flow, ...)
- Use of the high-accuarcy SENtral Sensor Fusion IMU, freeing up computation cycles for other tasks.
- 3.3V signal levels, for adapter-free interfacing with Raspberry Pi and other single-board computers.
Excellent points, Thomas! I am indeed aware of the obsolescence of the MPU9250/AK8963 through my conversations with Kris, but I was unaware of his new motion coprocessor (he's so productive that I find it difficult to keep up!) For the first issue (avoiding MPU9250/AK8963), you may know that Pesky offers an EM7180 unit using STM sensors; my cross-platform EM7180 library also works with that unit. For the second issue (avoiding EM7180), I will certainly keep an eye on the project, and will likely offer a similarly easy-to use cross-platform library for it when it becomes available.
The MPU9250 is obsolete as is the integral AK8963 mag; has been for quite some time!.
You might want to take a look at Pesky's latest here. They acknowledge the limitations of the proprietary Swiss EL7180 CPU (10mhz CPU) (in addition to limitations of the firmware used), and they have migrated/evolved to using a Maxim MAX32660 (ARM M4F CPU core) in their latest sensor fusion module...
Sometimes a little bit of investigating can save a lot of headache! It is always good practice in electronics development to investigate End-Of-Life (EOL) on any and all components in a project...
Happy flying!
I've added mounts for an OpenMV camera and a BlueSMiRF unit (for telemetry and eventually mobile-app control). Looking forward to getting my pre-ordered OpenMV H7!
The USFS IMU is about the same price as the Adafruit BN0-055, but the USFS fits right on a Teensy (or similar board like the Butterfly dev board) and comes with a barometer too ;^)
Good tip on the IMU. I've been using both the Sparkfun 9250 and the Adafruit BN0-055. Will be interesting to compare