"Now that there are more than a few comments I can test the printing issue I mentioned, and it still exists. Most blogs which host commenting have the ability to print the blog and all associated comments. Without a specific "print" button on the…"
"Hello Chris, I hope these comments are helpful!
Regarding the "View All" button. I don't remember that showing ALL of the detail for each of the post. As I recall. it would show the intro for each blog post; wouldn't want to wade through miles and…"
"Missing "edit" button for the comment post to allow going back and fixing mistakes!
After entering the text of a comment, the button should say "submit" or "submit comment" not "comment"."
"I was going to say the site is slooowwwww, but after I just posted a comment, I see a comment from UAV Skies that the site seem slow. Glad it was not my imagination...
Just remembered the print issue, I THINK there was an issue with printing a…"
"See! I have no photo for my account. On the display, a dummy head shot shows up, but on a print it does not. The user posts seem to bleed together.
Additionally, the new site is using subdued font color; slightly greyed. WHY web-sites do this I…"
"Just a couple of things. The dummy picture doesn't show up when the blog is printed; no explicit demarcation between the posts. Will post again to show this."
In BetaFlight's "Configuration->Receiver",
Select "Serial-based receiver (SPEKSAT,SBUS,SUMD) <-there is no IBUS, but this is the item to select for serial protocols
then select "IBUS" for Serial Receiver Provider"
Click on "Save and Reboot"
"Hey Jack, As a college team project, you will probably not get a from-scratch design done in one semester. Just go get a Tarot copter, scratch the name off, and say Lori L. said to do it.(just kidding)
You cannot ignore the fact that this design has…"
"@Edward, I have an MMC5883 on a breakout board ($10 from Mouser), and I am looking at the differences between the HMC and QMC drivers with goal of creating a driver from an existing one from those in Betaflight. They are fairly simple with only…"
"Not to be a kill-joy, but the induction-coil based RM3100 has been on the market for a few years. Drotek has a $40 self-contained module for drones. In fact, the coil based RM3100 sensor is a step backwards in technology. It adds an order of…"
"The question remains; how would the multi-rotor or ANY drone which uses a magnetometer for yaw control be affected by close proximity to the magnetic pole(s), and whether or not that is an issue. Multi-rotors use the compass for the yaw sensor; yaw…"
"Does a compass work at the poles? Is the magnetic field too strong and out of range of a typical 5883 clone mag chip? Is it affected in real-time by the charged particles from the Sun (auroras [north pole])? Drones typically use a compass ( HMC5883…"
"Additionally, if you are using the AK8963 (which is also embedded in some Invensense chips), you might want to switch to a 5883 clone component. I have used this part in my drone for YEARS with no problems. Note it is critical to not have any stray…"