Very cool application using the excellent HackRF platform demoed at Defcon.

From HackADay:

What do you get when you combine one of the best (and certainly one of the best for the price) software defined radios with the user interface of a 10-year-old iPod? The HackRF PortaPack, developed by [Jared Boone], and demonstrated at DEFCON last weekend.

[Jared] is one of the original developers for the HackRF, a 10MHz to 6GHz software defined radio that can also transmit in half duplex. Since the development of the HackRF has (somewhat) wrapped up, [Jared] has been working on the PortaPack, an add-on for the HackRF that turns it into a portable, ARM Cortex M4-powered software defined radio. No, it’s not as powerful as a full computer running GNU Radio, but it does have the capability to listen in on a surprising amount of radio signals.

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  • Certainly seems to represent a major price breakthrough in a 6GHZ Spectrum Analyzer.

    Which is something our hardware developers could make great use of.


  • wow, 20Mhz of bandwidth and half duplex?, it could be the next opensource control+telemetry+digitalvideo by one only antenna?

  • Moderator

    Great project

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