It hasn't been tested in the field yet and only elevator and aileron have any function...right now. I'm hoping to incorporate the $H speed command in as well.
Just as an FYI, you want the numbers to go higher to turn right or go up. Lower for left or down. I also put a hard coded limit of 35 degrees on the pitch and roll....
Good luck!
Disclaimer: HappyKillmore takes no responsibility for trying to fly your plane with a joystick. Are you nuts? You've got a R/C controller in your hand. It's right there! I can see it! Fly with that thing...not a joystick!
We'll see what happens. I'm still not sold on the joystick idea just yet. So far, it's compatible with AttoPilot, where the joystick commands are only running at 4Hz and they're more or less a "nudge" to turn or climb. A real time link isn't really necessary since the plane is really in a stabilized mode and from what I'm told, can't be told to do loops or rolls or anything. A much more conservative approach.
Then there's the UDB interface from Tom Pittenger in which the movements on the joystick are directly tied to the servos. Very scarey stuff! I don't know what kind of lag there will be in flight but I bet it will get dicey! I'm firing commands at 10Hz for this.
Right now, I'm working on the Millswood Engineering Failsafe which has an interface to control other servos (like a camera). This idea I really like as the joystick will be moving a camera for AP purposes, not to fly the plane. I hope to have this up tonight (un tested of course :) I haven't decided what a good data rate is for this...maybe somewhere inbetween 10 Hz and 4 Hz.
HK your one of a kind!
I still picture the day where the buddy box is a wireless link to a GS that has multiple displays and HK's GCS smack dab in the center of it all... and off to the right is a joystick to "take her for a spin..."
I would rather see it with main pilot still in command. dual input if you will, rather than the holding of trainer switch and hope and pray to let go and regain control of the thing before hitting the ground... :) cream cake.....
Gary, I wonder what it would actually take to be STANAG 4586 compliant. I found a PDF that talked about it briefly...and it appears the most important thing is to work on multiple vehicle platforms. Frankly, I like my GCS better than some shown!?!?
Look what I found!
I love your disclaimer!
Yes, we are all nuts. :)
Cant wait to try it!