Here is my connection (You can check GPIO pinout here):
I used theFTDI GPS adapter cable, solder pads can be used also, just have in mind the TX pad = RX Ublox and RX pad = TX Ublox.
To get information from GPS in the Raspberry Pi (RPi), we will use gpsd.
Open a terminal
Install gpsd:
sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients python-gps
Setup RPi UART:
sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt
delete the "ttyAMA0" parameter to have:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
sudo nano /etc/inittab
comment (add a hash #) the line below "#Spawn a getty on Raspberry Pi serial line" like this:
#T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100
Reboot the RPi to apply the configuration:
sudo reboot
At this moment gpsd program is installed. If any gpsd session is open, stop it by:
sudo killall gpsd
Due to 3DR GPS is configured at 38400 bauds, set the RPi to 38400 bauds will be needed:
stty -F /dev/ttyAMA0 38400
(when RPi reboot baud rate returns to default)
Start gpsd:
sudo gpsd /dev/ttyAMA0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
Display GPS data:
cgps -s
When 3DR GPS is fixed, the fix blue led will be blinking and you will get the data like this:
If the GPS is not fixing, try outdoors where you have a clear sky view.
I know its an old thread but I have just followed the instructions and it worked perfectly thank Rogelio
swap your Tx/Rx wires to see if this fix the problem
I've followed all the instructions but when I use the cgps command all I get is n/a for the values and NO FIX (0 secs) on status even though the blue fix light is flashing. Any ideas what could be causing this?
As far as I know it should be possible, but no guarantees. could be helpful. Make sure you have a common ground.
basically using Tx pin only?
hey, a quick question on the 3dr GPS module ->uart connectivity:
Is it possible to use that GPS unit with another UART device which operates in receive mode only, while still keeping apm connection working at the same time?
I see why it doesn't damage the pi now. Most, if not all, of the GPSs available run on 3.3 volts. They take a 5v input and regulate it. They are 5v tolerant on the input but output at 3.3v.
No problem at all. I tested just to "know" and it all went very well and i have been using it for a long time ever since.
Do you have any problems with using the 5v UART on the 3.3v only Pi? I know that the pi gpio pins are not 5v tolerant.