She has been with me to over 100K feet on a weather balloon. Completely submerged in water after a ditch crash, and countless crashes that have destroyed frames and other components. I thought for sure, after my fire, she was dead. Almost threw it away. But.... Well.... not yet! Time to strap it on another aircraft. Just need to get some more of the plastic plug connectors that slide onto the pins.
*Edit* I say plane in the video, I meant quad.
I love this thing!!! Best 200 bucks I ever spent. Thanks 3DR!!
I fried one, just by looking at it the wrong way. And yet the one I lawn-darted at 90kph is perfectly fine.
I crashed my 2.0 countless times (sometimes it did itself)
I hung it - with a plane - in a tree for 11 weeks in about the rainiest spring in Swiss history (vid)
I shot it down from the tree with a golf ball cannon
I zapped it with 12 volts from a defective BEC, then replaced just about everything connected to the 5V rail
Then put it on a copter, which promptly took flew in a perfectly straight line into a roof (meaning to me, it can't have been a hardware error, then it would have tumbled)
- and it's still alive
After my fire I rebuilt and competed in "Game Of Drones" demolition derby, now back to more videos, just got some cheap 11.5 x 5 carbon props from Banggood and GoPro video out connector, waiting for the storms to pass. My APM was just slightly toasted, your is truly fried...