iDroneLink is an Apple MFi accessory for connecting your iPhone or iPad to your personal drone.
- Compatible with 3DR IRIS, IRIS+, X8, Y6, Aero
- 1/2 mile range
- 915Mhz SiK firmware compatible radio
- Made For iPhone/iPad certified
- Development team met on after this post
- APM:Copter and APM:Plane running on Pixhawk, APM 2.5/2.6 hardware
- Available now for only $99, ships same day
If you have been looking for an iOS solution for controlling your personal drone,iDroneLink is your solution. You can find more information at
hello, Bryan Galosh, I downloaded the code of iCGS in github ,but it couldn't run,do you know what is the master?
where to buy it?i am from Taiwan(ASIA)~thanks
As of the 1.4.0 release iPhone mission planning is now supported
yes in my Net ID 25 and Freq:433 MHZ ... otherwise everything just
Thanks for your support
Klaus you should have received a shipping notification of your replacement unit today, but can you capture the settings data from your windows groundstation. The settings should match the settings below with the exception of the netID which should be 25 as you mentioned.

Hi Bryan, With Droidplanner (Android) and also with Windows Mission Planner, it works without problems
We are showing that unit passed factory test and connected with our test drone. We can ship you another unit, but in the meantime can you connect with the drone using a windows or mac groundstation and confirm the radio settings are the default? Even with the correct netID the radios will not connect if any of the settings are different.
I sent you an email as well, but can you go into the "Settings" app then General->About and then scroll down to iDroneLink and click on it. You should see detailed information about your unit like this:
hi Bryan, got on all telemetry transmitters (have 9 different drones) the netID 25 I've checked everything again, unfortunately without success ....