Intel edison Yocto image build step as of 12/13/2016


I spent quite a few hours in figuring out a way to build Yocto image for edison from its recipes. Here is the steps in building an image successfully.

1. download recipes from

2. unzip

3. cd iot-devkit-yp-poky-edison-20160606/poky/

4. source oe-init-build-env ../build_edison/

5. sudo apt-get install build-essential git diffstat gawk chrpath texinfo libtool gcc-multilib

6. sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev

7. download,upzip and replace all checksums in /poky/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/ with the value in downloaded file. Then, replace all patches in /poky/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/openjdk7-03b147 with the patches from downloaded file.

8. comment out the following two lines 

IMAGE_INSTALL += "iotkit-comm-js" 
 IMAGE_INSTALL += "iotkit-comm-c-dev"


9. edit ../poky/meta-intel-edison/utils/flash/ line 9 to build_dir=$top_repo_dir/build/../build_edison

10. ../poky/meta-intel-edison/utils/flash/

9. zip -r toFlash

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  • Have you guys tried latest vanilla kernel for your stuff?

  • doe anyone has image files for wi-fi broadcast for this board using a 2.4Ghz wifi dongle.

  • the nice thing with yocto is the huge documentation.

    there is no need to have kernel drivers for the mems devices.

    you just stick with writing user space code.

    eventually when having to much jitter on the time axis you can evaluate doing so.

    but first add the realtime extensions and write the propper code.


    clone the upm and mraa repos.

    in the first repo you have some user space drivers.

    check them and do some cherry picking according to your needs.

    having the first hack up and running you should have an idea what direction to go...

    Intel® IoT Developer Kit
    IoT Libraries & Code Samples from Intel. Intel® IoT Developer Kit has 102 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
  • indeed, a five year old desktop running virtual machine makes 7 hrs understandable. 

    the building speed does not that critical to me, 2hr is still to long for me to have multiple attempts per day (Various reason not be able to spend much time on this)

    Currently, I am trying to understand intel edison yocto build a bit more. The goal is multifold, be specific

    1. trim down uncessary layers and modules. like: JAVA, Ruby, Nodejs, Python etc
    2. Add ppp to use 3G modem
    3. Add MCP2515 driver to linux kernel
    4. Add LSM9Ds00 driver to linux kernel

    Unfortunately, non of them looks straight forward to me... Do you happen to have some suggestions?

  • ups, pretty slow pc.

    from the compile time i assume you have no ssd.

    pls. upgrade your pc:

     - more logical cpu's

     - more memory

     - ssd as harddisc replacement.


    or use the ubuntu subsystem within windows 10.

    then there is no virtualization inbetween.

  • I meant " I am NOT familiar with Linux ...." 

  • I am familiar with linux to begin with. let along embedded system and open source communities....

    The build system I used is fresh installed Ubuntu x64 14.04LTS in a Virtual box. The whole build is ~7 hrs.Not too bad if you let the initial build overnight. 

  • yes, the first steps with yocto are difficult.

    if you have experience with other buildsystems (buildroot, ptx-dist) the steps are straight forward.

    i am not shure, but when i build my last image for the edison using a 32 bit ubuntu system it wouldn't build due to a bug in one the recipes. pick a 64 bit variant and the build goes through.

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