iPhly, the iPad RC controller app from Ari Krupnik that was the subject of our Maker Faire podcast, is now available from iTunes for $14.99. It cleverly outputs PPM via the audio jack, which you can send to your radio for transmission.
I have no judgment on what these people do. I do have a sense of surprise at how similar their content is to mine, and how completely unaware they appear of my work.
@Ari Krupnik,
so I'm in early stage of dev of app on iphone ... but my idea is to develop an app for phone and an HW interface that support Iphone , Android , WM. I see also IPhone 4 and I see that inside there 're gyro ... this is good for some app .
The HW interface prototype now using a Multiboard that is a Arduino based board , using one serial on it to connect bluetooth module and 16 Bit PPM output to interface.
if you want more information contact me directly
My Project repo : http://code.google.com/p/lnmultipilot10/
@Roberto: Thank you for reading the documentation thoroughly. Most people don't get as far as you! 44.1 steps is a limitation in the current version. I want to see your application.
@Dan: Implementation is the most sincere form of flattery, or so I recall. Their copy sounds remarkably like Tim and Chris's podcast from Maker Faire.
I see the details on the website , the ppm output is produced by speacker phone ... but i think that there're a big problem because in the specification is write that for each channel is supported only 44 steps .
So normaly the micro seconds range is 1000 - 2000 micro seconds with normaly 10 bit adc you can produce a fine ppm outpus . So i think that is better to use a Bluetooth connection to an arduino board that produce ppm or is connected by serial to a standard PPM / PCM / FSHH trasmitter.
I'm working to an application like that but that using this kind of approach
I have no judgment on what these people do. I do have a sense of surprise at how similar their content is to mine, and how completely unaware they appear of my work.
are you accusing people of copying you?
so I'm in early stage of dev of app on iphone ... but my idea is to develop an app for phone and an HW interface that support Iphone , Android , WM. I see also IPhone 4 and I see that inside there 're gyro ... this is good for some app .
The HW interface prototype now using a Multiboard that is a Arduino based board , using one serial on it to connect bluetooth module and 16 Bit PPM output to interface.
if you want more information contact me directly
My Project repo : http://code.google.com/p/lnmultipilot10/
@Dan: Implementation is the most sincere form of flattery, or so I recall. Their copy sounds remarkably like Tim and Chris's podcast from Maker Faire.
So normaly the micro seconds range is 1000 - 2000 micro seconds with normaly 10 bit adc you can produce a fine ppm outpus . So i think that is better to use a Bluetooth connection to an arduino board that produce ppm or is connected by serial to a standard PPM / PCM / FSHH trasmitter.
I'm working to an application like that but that using this kind of approach
By default, accelerometers control pitch and roll, and the touch screen controls throttle and rudder.