Hi, my name is Kyomo Jung from Korea.
I've been working on how to do FPV and remote control over LTE for months regardless distance and legal issue
and eventually I got it.
The video is showing iPlane ( I named her ^^. " i " means intelligence and internet ) flying.
You know, Korea is one of the most advanced country on high speed internet and its coverage in the world
so FPV and control over LTE is very meaningful.
This small project is just a kick off for " IofT " with which I want to replace the word IoT.
I added "f" which stands for flying.
My goal is to deploy iUAV which enables " Better World " not military purpose.
Just for fun - iPlane making film ^^
Technical Misc.
FC : Pixhawk
FW : Arduplane 3.1.5
Raspiberrypi + Raspi Cam + mavProxy + MJPEG streamer
LTE router
(dooh hit go to fast) sorry meant to say, in the US it is known as 4G.
LTE is the phone network - i.e. mobile broadband.
Is LTE part open source so we can contribute and expand it?