This camera may be able to improve the quality of shots taken from drones for those jobs where you need the ultimate in precision and texture quality ( I think? ). This is, according to the manufacturer, a camera with smartphone capabilities. It has a Leica Lens, 1" sensor and takes 20MP photos and will go for $1,000 in the US. It weighs 206g, so slightly more than a Canon. I think the benefit is that it doesn't have a zoom lens anymore, so it should be easier to keep the focus.
What remains is to figure out how well the battery lasts and how quickly it can snap pictures and maintain the correct exposure when you fly over land with different reflectivity. This thing having android, I see great opportunities to make it simpler to snap pics, using even for example the 3G connection so you can control it from the ground station. Of course, GPS should be included already.
If you're at CES, give us some feedback on your experiences with the phone when it comes to snapping speeds and exposure compensation :)
The Sony QX100 I am playing with has the same CCD specs and a better lens (F1.8 v F2,8) whilst being lighter (179g) and half the price.
How do the optics compare to the NX Mini (which is much cheaper)?
for sure Leica is a good lens but in small devices the lens put tons of distortion in the corners.
I use uav planes for more than 6 years and i used more than 10 cameras types.
I started with modified canon sx200 cam (OIS locked)I do some tests using sony point shot cam and others
for now i using modified sony nex and samsung NX. (body modifications)
its a good goog camera with good lenses.
Very true eduardo.
It does help that its a Leica glass lens... one heck of a lot better than most of the pocket crap out there, including iDevices.
The most important thing about camera is the LENS.
Better lens better pictures (less distortion)
This camera have a small lens that means DISTORTIONs.