First on the floor, nearly ready for maiden:
And here are pictures from the maiden flight:
It flys with the current alpha version of the software, so far no mods.
It is a combination of parts from different sources:
From MikroKopter came the frame and the propellers
From HK came motor and ESC
The boards came from Cool Components
The landing skid comes from a (broken) heli of a friend
.. and some home grown parts
What might be intgeresting to you is my wiring:
As I did not use a power distribution PCB, but used instead a standard
component available in the "OBI" and surely other home depot like shops.
Main advantage is that there is no soldering necessary, and an ESC could be changed
quite quickly if necessary.
... Now I need to hone my flying skills... ;)
Control commands come from a remote control to a receiver, from there to the APM as indicated
in the picture with the Futaba receiver (I run by the way Spektrum). This input is then used together
with input data from some sensors to calculate the commands to the motors.
here is the link

do you think is a good idea?you provide power through the connections to the ESC.
I thought you are doing something like below:
My battery is a 3cell and outputs 11.1V so I can't connect it to ardu pilot board directly.
Does you battery output 6V?
I read the documentation and that the connections I see are actually the R/C receiver like in
This is a little puzzeling I always thought the controls are sent through the xbee.
what do you use as R/C receiver? and ground station?
I'm not sure what you mean with stabilaser, so very likely I'm not using it ;)
Oh - and if your are talking about a way to make the quad stable, that's the
APM and OilPan (the two PCBs) that you can see in the middle. Those
electronic boards are taking the signals from the remote, and input from the
sensors to control the motors.
On the power supply side I'm using only one battery (connected to the ESCs),
and one ESC that powers the board. You can see it in the flying pictures on the
bottom of the center of the quad (silver color).
To make sure only one ESC is powering the board, I removed on three of them
the positive connection (red wire). look at the pictures below, there you see the cable that
usually goes from the receiver to the ESC now pluged into the APM. And the red wire
removed from three of them. So only one of them is providing the power to your
board via the BESC (battery eliminating circuit).
I hope you can answer me cause I have two questions.
I'm not into electronics cause I'm a software programmer... so take me slow.
am I wrong or you are using a stabilaser?
if yes could you post a link where you bought it?
Are you using a separate battery to power ardupilot? if yes could you post a link to where you bought it?
thanks a lot for any info.