Maritime RobotX Challenge

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is excited to have been selected as one of 15 teams worldwide to participate in the inaugural Maritime RobotX Challenge.  We thought it would be good to post some links and video here so people in the community can see what the competition is about and start following the teams.  We had our first successful test a few weeks ago and already have the platform running autonomously.

Each team is awarded one WAM-V platform and a stipend to outfit it with the most sophisticated autonomy package they are capable of assembling.  Tasks range from obstacle avoidance, navigation and sonar homing.

We will do our best to answer any questions.

Embry-Riddle's RobotX Page

Maritime RobotX Challenge Website

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  • Absolutely, I've attached a picture here and we are always posting updates about this and other projects on our Facebook page at

  • Admin

    Ok, I get it now. Any chance of looking at new version?   Like some one mentioned , I like the suspension system for electronics and their independence to pontoons movements. thanks for showing us a your cool project.

  • Those are actually super early prototype motor mounts which have since been replaced with a new version that more mimics the shape of the pontoon. The motors are attached to the bottom of those boxes. They are on a hinge system which allows the mount and the motors to actuate independently of the rest of the vehicle so that the motors remain submerged at all times.

    The vehicle itself was designed by Marine Advanced Research and is the base platform that all 15 teams in the competition will be using to compete. The rear portion of the vehicle including the propulsion system will be designed by each team individually.

  • Admin

    I am bit dull witted. Can some one tell me what and why are two box like thing dragged  behind the pontoons? tnx

  • I love the pontoon concept and dampener design of the WAM-V. What I like the most is the center section is open. This could easily facilitate scooping up struggling swimmers, delivering payloads or rack in a small ROV sub.

  • Some really good engineering there, i like it a lot! 

  • dang, which I would have known about that challenge, here is the USV we designed3701667906?profile=original

  • Admin

    I purchased two .60 size model airplane pontoons to do basically the same thing only on a smaller scale. The pontoons are only 38" long and will support ~10 lbs. I plan to use a couple of very small trolling motors of my own design to provide skid steering and use an APM2.6 for navigation.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

  • Moderator

    Nice work - great looking design.

  • Admin

    Very interesting platform design. good luck

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