MAV Computer Vision on Gumstix Overo COM


We were already using the Gumstix Overo COM in our winning EMAV 2009 entry. Other projects have started to adapt the system design with Linux onboard computer. It separates the Linux computer vision system and control/estimation code running on an external microcontroller. At that time we already did the electronics design for a custom camera board, but eventually used a USB machine vision camera. However now we have a working driver, which allows to attach the Aptina MT9V032 machine vision CMOS sensor directly to the Gumstix Overo COM. The board will be available from Gumstix Inc., but is not yet released as a product. The pxOvero base board weights only 28g including the camera with M12 glass lens! It works under very low light conditions and has a much lower noise level than typical webcams. We hope to see this pair soon in many computer vision MAVs. Our upcoming aerial robotics middleware is lightweight and has been developed so scale to lightweight computers. Together with this camera, it will provide a very convenient toolkit for computer vision on micro air vehicles.

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  • Developer
    Pixhawk, is this camera now running OK with supported drivers ? The drivers are listed as being under development on the main web site.
  • Since it's a monocular camera it is obviously capable of multi-view stereo, but not in the sense of a stereo head. The MT9V032 imager we used however also allows to build a stereo setup on one bus.

    Important to note though is that stereo is computationally expensive and the Microsoft camera does it in hardware for free. So it is a pretty nice setup, if the image quality is ok it is for sure a good choice for stereo applications.
  • Hi,
    Is you vision system 3D aware?

    I saw the new Microsoft Kinect offers a 3D camera with some promising opportunities for robotics community
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