The new design of the Mugin UAV 3M is out.
It's a huge UAV platform with 300 mm wingspan. The platform caters to larger UAS projects such as universities or commercial projects. It's really not a beginner platform.
The platform is available here: Mugin UAV 3m vIII
It comes with or without engine/prop.
Twin Motor
Type: Two-stroke piston valve petrol aircraft engine
Displacement: 55cc(27.2ccx2)
Bore x Stroke: 34mm×30mm
Carburettor: Walbro(Diaphragm & Butterfly Valve)
Max. Output: 5.6ps/7600rpm
RPM Range: 1600-7800rpm
Weight: About 1780g(Engine+muffler+CDI)
Ignition power: Auto advanced CDI(DC 4.8 Volts , 4 cell NiCad or NiMh battery)
Fuel mixture(Ratio of gasoline and oil): 25-40 : 1
Propeller: 20X12-23X8 two-blade prop( suggest to use 22x8 prop)
total weight 12.343kg with dle60 engine.
I bought a mugin 3 with DELTA tail.It not have spare for 2 servo per surface. I will adapt to use 4 servos in rudder.
Como with 2 x 1500cc fuel tank.
Like the looks of this.
Just completed and flew a long delayed Skywalker which I bought from Hooks few years back. Flies very nice and docile. Surprisingly with heavy load. Will be testing it with AP assisted FPV next week. I miss the Glass fiber fuse nose cover which I never received and at nearly 4 k.g fuse bottom is scrapping :(. Did few mods to original Skywalker which I will be blogging next month after all the testing/mod/flying is complete.
@Gary, the draggy hump does not seem that bad however how effective will it be with parachute deployment is to be seen in this pusher config. This space can take bat for ignition and or video + telemetry data TRX :).
@ Hooks ,
Does this include a fuel tank? how many & what capacity?
Dual rudder? Two rudder servos? using " Y " harness to connect them both?
How is the wing attached to fuse?
Inside photos is highly desired. Flight video will be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Here you can have an idea of size of this plane.
The yellow plane is a 1/4scale piper j3
The mugin is a low cost option but its a good and big airframe.
Alex, the hump can be removed and a conventional cover are included in the kit.
I will post some pictures in my blog today.
I have one of this ...
Yeah, I do agree about the hump not being the best idea.. especially when an airframe like that seems to have loads of space already.. ALso it seems to be more of a block than a hump when looking at it from the font. Is it something that can be removed?
Otherwise for 2k, including an engine is a nice price!
It's the same fuselage in background just without top.
The weight is what DHL charge because of Size. The overall weight is not above 20 kg. I will find the exact weight.
Draggy hump is for Para landing.
With built in draggy hump Hooks?? Is that another fuselage in the background? $2195 with the engine is not too shabby a price point. The wheels might need modding seems very heavy at 22kgs? That two kilos will make all the difference in Europe, it starts getting more complex to certify stuff above 20kg.