I made this simple script to control a MultiWii copter with a joystick and a PC over XBee (or some other serial transceiver pair). Please try it out and let me know of any issues.
The one in the video is my old one. It's just some aluminum bar in an x configuration with an arduino mega and a 10DOF off eBay. 4 motors 1050kv turnigy 2217's. The ESCs are 30amp cheapos from hobby king.
The 10DOF was an ITG3200 based board and I highly recommend going with an MPU6050 based one.
The lipo was a 3s 4.4AH 20C, also from hobby king.
The 10DOF was an ITG3200 based board and I highly recommend going with an MPU6050 based one.
The lipo was a 3s 4.4AH 20C, also from hobby king.
Matt, can you tell us how your MultiWii Copter is actually set up?
Awe! Thank you.
I moved this project to a separate arduino which takes in serial (via radio) and outputs sum ppm: https://github.com/mattwilliamson/Arduino-RC-Receiver
The link to the code is not working. :(
this is cool