(Shown at left above, with a Locosys LS20033 GPS module for size comparison)
ArduPilot is designed to use the solid and reliable EM406 GPS module, which is a 5v, 1Hz device that works well under most conditions. But if you want more precise navigation, you may want to upgrade to the 5Hz Locosys module that Dean Goedde is using with AttoPilot. That's a 3.3v module, so you can't just plug it into the ArduPilot board. Instead, Jordi has designed a special daughterboard that does the following:
--Converts ArduPilot's 5v power to 3.3v power
--Provides a EM406 connector, so it's a direct plug-in replacement for the EM406
--Provides a break-out connector so you can add a wireless modem, such as a Zigbee.
--Power LED
We may release this as a pre-made product, but in the meantime you can make your own.
Buy the board from BatchPCB here.
Eagle files (schematic and PCB) are here.
wow did you re-open an old blog...
but here is the eagle software link
I can't seem to open the file .
Is it possible to connect iPAQ GPS with ardupilot circuit or any type of GPS. Cuz I would like to use the ardupilot circuit for sailing boat application to control rudder i.e. to set the rudder in autopilot mode by using ardupilot.
I notice the ardupilot can only function by using GPS module like EM406 or 5HZ type..Please advise me if the ardupilot is capable to control it by using other type of GPS i.e. not a programmable GPS but with display unit like iPAQ or Raymarine GPS's or any other types of GPS by re-program the ardupilot cicuit to be suitable with new module of GPS...All the best..