Hi Guys
This is my new ground station (and my smiley face)
I'm developing this software since 3 days (yes i know i'm too fast, because this is my job since 20 years)
It's working with my new SimpleOSD telemetry protocol over FrSKY's bidirectional RC modules. Protocol is very simple and it is sending all gps+battery values in 21bytes pack (1bytes deviceID+18bytes data+ 2bytes end of line data).
- It is OpenSource (under LGPL license)
- Live Video
- Live Google Maps position
- Video Capturing with all compression codecs.
- Data logging and others.
And i will add OpenLRS telemetry support with IMU and other sensors on Alpha version of firmware. Then i'm planning to design a PC based Autopilot system into the ground station. Because PC based programming easier for most of pc programmers.
You can follow my all FrSKY telemetry projects from this link
And this is the google code page of OpenFGS project. http://code.google.com/p/openfgs/
Please contact with me for being the project member, all developers are welcome.
Thanks for reading
Am currently converting your code to Freepascal and Lazarus. Delphi is getting way too expensive
Ahahahhaha, this is not my false, i was type the codes but i guess diydrones html code parser erased them :)
I will try to write it again, i hope you can see them:
my current format: <1 byte header> <17 byte data> <1 byte crc> <CR> + <LF>
Merry Christmas :)
Yes the protocol is same as you said.
My SimpleOSD data packs is 21 byte long.
<17 byte data>
This is for only simpleOSD data telemetry over FrSky, I will add some extra protocol supports for OpenLRS and it's IMU and telemetry.
Melih, I'm very confused by your protocol. I was thinking about adding support for it to my GCS and was struck by how odd the packets are formed. You don't have a header character. There's no way for a parsing routine to recognize where the start of the packet is. You have a <CR> + <LF> that comes before your checksum. So you also don't have a footer character. Again, the parser doesn't know where to stop reading other than 1 character after <CR> + <LF>. This is by far the strangest packet format I've seen. Because of this, I'm unable to add support for this protocol to my GCS because the only identifier is the <CR> + <LF> which is used by many other protocols as the end of the packet.
Have you considered something more like <Header Char><Fixed Data Length><Checksum><Single <CR> or <LF>>? This would be the exact same length and yet be more functional.
Delphi has a free compiler these days?
@Ersin, Yes i'm a Delphi guy and i love it, have lot of free components and compiles standalone EXE files (or linux with Kylix)
Maybe you can convert the code to .NET ;)
Yeah same here event it should fly with a joystick on pc :)
Wow cant belive my eyes there are still Delphi 7 developers. I called my best friend dinosaur cuz of using Delphi 7 and i saw that. I'm gonna apology him. i was wrong :) or there are lots of dinosaur xD
.Net can be better only a suggestion :)