Check it out: an all-in-one telemetry kit for ArduPilotMega, all set up and ready to go! No more fussing around with Xbee configuration. $165 for the total, which includes the custom configuration.
In this kit you will find everything you need to add telemetry features to your aircraft set up. The Xbee modules come paired up and ready to use! Included with this kit:- 1x XtreamBee Board (The one manufactured by DIYDrones!), including the two female connectors and right angle connectors.
- 1x XBee-PRO 900 extended range module w/ RPSMA connector and duck antenna
- 1x XBee-PRO 900 extended range module w/ wire antenna
- 1x Xbee Explorer Dongle (USB adapter for the Xbee module!)
The best way I found was to plug the female headers into the xbee first and then solder onto the adapter. Seems to prevent the solder from clogging the female headers.
I can tell you how to do "it" with a hardware solution, but please be mindful the hardware reset does not stop the data transmissions so can cause the units to lock up, it sounds like you may already know a lot about these units, but thought it might be worth pointing this out. :)
Yep been using no probs.
Im aware of the isues with the 868. The 868's should be good with a bit of work though may require some dedicated h/w to fully get round the duty cycle issue. I'm tossing up between getting some or a freescale radio modem at the mo..
If'd have known about this kit, i would've bought it regardless of the SMA connector, though, since i don't care much about the range at this point. Plus, as you've said, i can always solder a connector on.
The coding of the +++ is not the issue with the 868s, they used to be fine, you could send a uart signal and then reset the units, there was a new firmware released last year which stopped this function :(