New Sparkfun Toys - Atomic IMU 6 DoF

New IMU offered by Sparkfun here. I think this board has some great potential that could lead to some all singing, all dancing Arduino-native IMU.The fact that this IMU is built around the ATMege 168 makes me think that it could be re-flashed to become some sort of "ArduIMU" board, and even run a ported version of the "Premerlani-Bizard robust direction cosine matrix estimator / MatrixNav firmware" as per this suggestion.Perhaps this board could be partnered with the ArduPilot, the IMU doing its thing, and the ArduPilot providing GPS info and servo driving?Anyone got any opinions for or against this? Or even better, technical reasons why this a) won't work, or b) is an awesome idea! :DSimon
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  • Wouldn't it be simpler to put the GPS on the IMU board itself, have it process the data locally and simply return the unified position and velocity vectors to the ArduPilot? If all the ArduPilot is doing with GPS data is parsing it and passing it to the IMU that seems like a waste of processor cycles...
  • 6DOF is not a lot ?

    termopiles give a 2º accuracity and 1º the oones from copilot II
  • Moderator
    Me thinks this is shaping up to be a VERY exciting year!!
  • 3D Robotics
    "Perhaps this board could be partnered with the ArduPilot, the IMU doing its thing, and the ArduPilot providing GPS info and servo driving?"

    Our thoughts exactly ;-) Think "IMU shield"
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