From sUASNews:
If over the horizon satellite communications are a requirement you are in luck! An Outback Challenge team from Holland just helped you out.For participation to the the team had to design a cheap and light weight iridium satellite communication module for there there is huge interest from the UAV community in using light weight and reliable satellite communication the made the iridium development open-source so the UAV community can benefit from this achievement.For the opensource hardware and software see:
@marc dornan you might enjoy this. Some fixed wing autonomous formation flying using PaparazziUAV:
Formation flight control of fixed-wing drones
@marc dornan the PaparazziUAV community is alive and well. By all means get your aircraft built up and feel free to contribute to PaparazziUAV. Lots a folks ready to help you if the need arises.
@Earthpatrol. So I have a Lisa M and 2.4 xbee telemetry radios and I am determined to set this all up in a Bixler 3. Paparazzi seems to have lost a lot of its base. The last RCGroups posting was 2014 that I could find and I can see no current airframes posted on the wikki -- maybe I will have to add mine. Yet I can still see work is being done on github. The biggest issue is the lack of a more friendly Mission Planning app or application. I do not mind 'compiling sketches' for missions though but I think it may deter others.
Not quite a open source modem, its only an open source carrier for a closed source modem.
@chrisanderson and it's integrated with Paparazzi UAV.