Our Swiss friends continue to impress with a new, lighter version of their PixHawk quad with optical navigation, which is competing at IMAV 2010 this week. From the team's update:
That mission went better - we could fly autonomously and demonstrated for the first time on the International Micro Air Vehicle competition an onboard computer vision system. Our localization is based on articial markers. The flight inside the competition times was not perfect, but shortly afterwards we captured the video below, showing a fully autonomous flight in a figure eight at the IMAV 2010 Indoor Dynamics setup.
Tomorrow is the IMAV 2010 Outdoor Competition day and we'll enjoy the full day spectating the outdoor teams competing. We'll also bring our equipment, maybe we can help somebody out with a screwdriver or tweezers."
There are some articles (in German) and fresh forum dicussions (in German).
I reached 3 titles. :-)
"Outdoor Autonomy Competition - Fixed Wing" 3rd place Full Autonomous -
GPS - Aircraft Lerche 500
"Indoor Flight Dynamics Competition - Rotor Wing" 3rd place - Remote
Controlled - Quadcopter
"Outdoor Flight Dynamics Competition - Fixed Wing" 2nd place Remote
Controlled - Aircraft Lerche 400
+ Proceedings of the European Micro Air Vehicle Conference (EMAV08): Flight
experiments of different MAV concepts with a wingspan of 0.4 m
Best regards Tumba
About the IMAV 2010 competition, do somebody have some news about it?
Re-reading Matthew's first comment, I guess this is what he meant.
I don't want to degrade any advance is video processing, but they need to film something that can't be achieved by a simpler method.
You have no idea how hard this is!!! I can not state how impressive this demo is to me and how much processing power they must have on board to achieve it.
> No it looks like they are differentiating between images on the paper and using that to navigate.
Exactly what they are doing and it is hard and extremely complex to perform. I can understand that it does not look flashy but it is technically as cool as it gets and right at the edge of computer vision as it is all done on-board.
It is simple a case of "those with the eyes to see" I think. It is so easy to make a video look awesome when really it is a hacked together mess that only works in some very certain circumstances, yet you can lead people on to let them think it works like that all the time. I have seen it here over and over, simple problems being blown up to be some huge advance. This video is the opposite, a simple clear video with no hype that so some seriously smart people doing some advanced work.