3D Robotics

Pocketcopter project on Indiegogo

3689616189?profile=originalIt looks like they've still got a lot of work to do to make this Pocketcopter a reality, but it's a cool idea (I've backed it):

How does the Pocketcopter work?

The Pocketcopter itself is powered by a 12V battery (rechargeable or replaceable) and is controlled via the touch screen of your smartphone.

The connection is via WiFi (similar to the remote control of the GoPro) or Bluetooth.
Due to the fact that, although the rotor arms are fixed one above the other, each spins in the opposite direction to the other thus achieving stability
 and ensuring quiet recordings.

Should the Pocketcopter lose the connection to the smartphone it automatically floats slowly to the ground.

The software interfaces will allow the pictures or videos taken to be instantly shared directly on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.



  • Height about 19 cm
  • Diameter about 4.5 cm
  • 12V rechargeable
  • 3D HD camera
  • Range about 10 meters
  • Rotor blades removable
  • Previous tests showed that the running time of a fully charged battery is about 6 hours (camera) and 25 min flight time.
  • Storage Medium: Micro SD card

Blue, Yellow and Black


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  • Seeing so many of these "wannabe" applications popping up these days, that have no real information or plan on how they are going to achieve their lofty goals.

  • OMG, this is close to a "Black Hornet PD-100"-class MAV for everyone! I have the bad feeling that this project is either planned as a scam, or these people really have no idea what they are doing. In both cases I'm feeling sorry for all the optimistic backers... :(

  • Johann,Thank you for SolidWorks guru advice for the button design. I found a guru who can do this for only 100.000$, I will pay the money and he will draw the button for me :)
    Actually we added a new stretch goal to the project for you, We will add a "hot girl lock and follow" button on the device. So, It will find and follow hot girls when you press two times to our expensive button.

    Actually this rotor design works with some hi-tech engineering solutions. Some kinetic energy weapons using single prop based direction system. Just you should check the prop position and change the single prop's pitch in a few microseconds to increase and decrease the prop trust in this direction. But first you need a pitch controlled prop instead of flower leaves in this project. :)


  • I should do a kickstarter campaign for a 1kg gas-powered helicopter that can fly for 3 hours.  No engines exist for this yet, but I'm sure I can have one made for just $50,000.  No problem.

    Or maybe a larger version, where I will promise it will be stable and vibration resistant enough that it could be used for high altitude astronomy.

  • Anybody figure out how they achieve pitch and roll control?  Only thing I could see at this point is little mini thruster jets at the bottom of the thing.  There certainly isn't anything in the rotor system to do it.

  • Melih, I'm sure once you hit the $1million target you'll be able to pay a SolidWorks guru for 10 minutes of his time to assist with the revolving of the button. 

    I also don't like black yellow or blue, I want a red one. I will also like it if the direction of the props are reversible so I can use it on a hot summer day as a person cooling fan. Then I can discretely film the hot girls on the beach while keeping my face cool. Hahaha

  • Johann, Thank you for your support, I will add the switch that you suggested. But, I didn't find the revolve option to draw a button in Solid Works, this is why it must be slider switch :) 
    Another funny thing with this campaign, The only real photo on the page is a power adapter. But it's US type plugged when project coming from Spain. So, also the adapter photo is coming from google image search :)

    I'm not sure about comment deleting. Kickstarter can't supporting deleting any comment including your ones. But maybe indiegogo does. They are very very relax about vaporwares when they are taking their %4.

    A backer comment from the page:
    Indiegogo featured this project on their newsletter and here i am! :D 

    This is a cool project for all who love film and photography!"

    Oh my dear!

  • Haha, whaile you're at it Malih, also please replace the on/off switch with something more waterproof than a clock radio switch (since the claim the device will be waterproof)

    One can only make public comments once you have contributed, and even then I'm sure those comments will be removed very very quickly. 

  • Great design!
    I can draw the better one in a few minutes. Just give me 100.000$
    I will add "the pitch" to the propellers as a stretch goal, If the project reaches 1.000.000$ :D
    Somebody must be warn the backers for this vaporware.

  • I just don't see how a Mobile app developer, a micro electrician and a designer will be able to fund the hardware design and engineering, software design and device manufacturing cost before June 2015 with the budget of 15K (even at the current 70K it's not possible given the time lines and suggested product cost). 

    I also don't see how they'll be able to include a 3D video recording system on a device the size of a deodorant can that only costs €99. A Pixhawk alone is more than twice that price. 

    Unless Sir Branson is on board behind the scenes I will be astonished, and more than willing to eat my words if this projects succeeds, even before 2016.

    I'm afraid this kind of thing is what will ultimately hurt the crowd-funding scene's reputation in the long run to such an extent that very few people will be willing to back even the best of ideas. 

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