Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is a way to do position estimation and navigation without GPS, which is both useful for drones inside and for self-driving cars. Coming to the next release of the Dronecode/PX4 stack.
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@Chris that's a vague answer. I'm interested in px4 and what it has to offer, particularly around vision capabilities. Hopefully someone will post more useful information closer to the release.
Yes, it will be coming in the PX4/Dronecode release. It uses the Intel Aero Vision 3-camera system and works on the Intel Aero board running PX4
Does it have anything to do with px4? Is it using IMU from px4? I guess it's not doing the visual processing on the flight controller?
Thats a handheld demo from a year ago.
That video looks like SLAM, is that coming from px4?
PX4 1.7 will be released next week. The VIO stack will be released in 1.8, in Q1
PX4 stack doesnt fly with GPS properly, now they are trying without GPS?)
I remember seeing this last year... any news of implementation in the px4 stack?