I've been a bit careless about updating the blog regularly but here it is finally! I've posted some videos and pics of our CNC cutting some wing molds as well as the antenna gimbals. There are also pictures of the mold layup process, gimbal mechanics and new CNC setup. Please find the full article here:
I've also finished the first revision of the IMU, and written a simple simulator in the GS to figure out any bugs on the Autopilot. I will post some shots and videos of these tomorrow. Also, we are officially an entrant in the 2010 UAV Outback Challenge!
You will be surprised as to how many people follow your blog :)). That model of yours has separate followers ;)
Here's the link for the Yagi:
Just for my own interest, does anyone actually follow the link and read the blog?
yagi looks nice one. Which model? link please. I found one used( 2.4ghz) but it is folded dipole like yours and am not sure if feedpoint impedance is 50 ohm with 1:6 transformer inside the molded junction or not. How are you matching it? or it does not need matching?
two freq , 2.4 and 900 ??
The picture doesn't do the beam justice. It's actually 2 SHS carbon tubes which are sandwiched vertically and it's very stiff.
We didn't make the Yagi, but I do agree that it's a nice design. As for the machining, we built the CNC machine from scratch so if you really want to, and for about $5000 -$6000 you can set one of them up wherever you've got the space.
What is it exactly that you wish to implement? I'll help you where I can.
No diversity controller. One antenna per radio. Two radios, two frequencies.
What are you using for your diversity controller?