"@fiberwire - Very interesting factoids on the beryllium! I suppose the coded modulator was also an important part of the laser targeting system. By the way,here's a beryllium glass selling for $8.95 (USD)... quite affordable."
"It might help if you selected a camera first, and then looked for a suitable gimbal mount. There are several hobbyist gimbal mounts that will do the trick, as well as many plans (cut it yourself out of thin wood) online. I don't see how you would…"
"Perhaps I missed something in the translation, but what was the purpose of flying the hexa-drone inside a church, and especially dangerously close to ancient artwork? Is this a demonstration of why our hobby might eventually be regulated by the…"
"How about starting with the Dunehaven GS-1 stabilized gyros, in a home-brew gimbal mount (or one of the many hobbyist mounts available)? They might provide a lot of what you want, independent of platform. There are also a few outrageously priced…"
"Felicidades, Hector... me gusta mucho lo que estas haciendo. El unico problema que veo es que trabajastes muy duro (el esfuerso) para algo que no gana a las muchachas. Que vas a hacer para compensar por eso? :)"
"@Toby - I searched for articles about laser pointers bringing down aircraft, as you claim. I could find none. Could you please cite your sources; I'm curious if this is just conjecture on your part, speculation or facts. I don't mean a paper that…"
"This is one of the more interesting and delightful videos I've seen on here. I think you did a great job on this production. Oh, and also, I saw a very familiar looking antenna on that tri-copter (which I've discussed in another thread). Thanks…"
"Has anyone put a gas (2-stroke) engine on this? Does anyone have any information on what poly gas tanks fit this thing, and how much flight time they can get out of it (gas-powered, not electric)? Thanks!"
"@JDM45 - Thanks for clarifying your statement. I wanted to make sure it didn't lead readers into concluding that analog and digital have the same range, given the same physical constraints.
As to the antenna link... you're welcome! One more tip...…"