"Jack - I'd normally agree, but there is no 64pin version of the 42X. The only real constraint of the 40X is the RAM and that's not quite a problem for AQ yet."
"There is a difference between dampening and isolation. There is nothing wrong with rigidly attaching a hunk of lead to the IMU. But isolating the IMU from the craft's frame is counter productive. My point is that neither is actually necessary,…"
"No, I use only hard mount. Vibration insulation will tend to create another rotational body somewhat independent of the frame. I've found that ACC noise does not really hurt the integration if your timstep is short enough. What does hurt is a…"
"Randy is correct in that the best possible solution is to close the loop in the ESCs. However, if that is not possible, then it is possible to model the motor's setpoint change performance and create an open loop controller that is tuned to…"
"With the optical ground truth data, you have enough information to replay the flight in a ground simulation and compare and score the results against reality. This could be used to create an iterative goal seeking function aimed at driving the…"
"Lorenz: Mr Crossfire was the original author of the improved SAD assembly code :)
Jack: Fuse the reported optical position changes (not the reported velocity) and height measurements with the baro, ACC & GYO sensors' and you should then be able to…"
"As I said earlier the data shown in the KML are raw LAT/LON coordinates recoded from the UBlox module. We seem to getting back to the outside observer requirement rather quickly :)
I think that you will soon find out that there is more to…"
"Randy: Actually no. Steve presented two 3D plots, both of them showing the actual LAT/LON reported by the GPS module. One was showing the GPS reported altitude and the better one reported the barometer estimated altitude. I'm not sure what Larry…"
"I own a Dranganfly. Its performance is below everything I've seen here.
I agree that such observation is not needed in this case if all of the contestants have shown themselves. But what happens if there are other AQ entries, or some other evenly…"
"R_Lefebvre: The altitude the GPS reports is what the GPS module thinks the altitude is, not the actual altitude. Just as the pressure sensor derived altitude is not the true altitude.
Unless / until you have a trusted 3rd party observation of the…"
"Alexey: Initially I was also concerned about this, but it turns out not to be a problem for a few reasons. First, shortly after takeoff the filter learns what the acc biases are and quickly realizes that their variance is quite low so their…"
"This is no hoax. Victor uses a flight controller of his own design running a modified version of AQv6 firmware. Dropping spent batteries is of course what makes this demo possible. However, getting long flight times without ditching is possible.…"
"The best navigation grade IMUs that money can buy today have a drift of over 1m per minute if left uncorrected. Making an IMU that can estimate anything useful enough for position hold without correction using cheap MEMs sensors along with the…"