QGroundControl 2.0 tech preview release




On behalf of the whole QGroundControl dev team, I'm pleased to announce groundbreaking progress on QGroundControl, making it considerably more convenient, robust and user friendly. This is a first glimpse of a largely re-architected version that we're developing toward a full 2.0.0 release in cooperation with all of our partners in the open source community. You can see a video preview here or by clicking the image above.

The team made tremendous strides on two fronts: A complete rewrite of the parameter backend, making it more robust and efficient in terms of wireless bandwidth and latency, and adding new PX4 flight stack-specific config screens for easy configuration of that platform. Care was taken to not interfere with the operation of existing adopters of QGroundControl.

Other improvements include:

- Dramatically simplified Config screen for PX4 flight stack with graphical user guidance
- Completely rewritten parameter-handling infrastructure with clear display of onboard and pending parameters in Advanced Configuration
- Support for autoconfiguration of fixed wing and multirotor vehicles running the newest PX4 firmware stack
- Built-in autoconfiguration parameter files for many common airframes
- Automated PX4 firmware upgrades from within QGroundControl
- Completely new RC configuration and calibration wizards that identify proper RC channels for use with your specific RC transmitter.

You can download the Tech Preview builds for Mac OSX and Windows here:


The complete source for this tech preview is freely available here:


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  • @Nick Arsov, can you try the latest installer and provide more details on your crashes in a new issue here:


    One of our developers tried but could not reproduce the problems you saw on Windows

    Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows) - mavlink/qgroundcontrol
  • @MV I believe on APM the parameter you need to edit is "SYSID_THISMAV"-- I didn't see an easy way to edit this with the current APM handling in QGC, so you may need to first edit it using mavproxy or MissionPlanner, and then you should be able to see them both in QGC after rebooting the APMs

    @Parke I have no idea-- try loading the mac DMG file onto your OSX mac?  It really depends on how well the Qt library supports powerpc...

  • I feel old just asking this... but what are the chances of successfully compiling this to run on a PowerPC Mac (OSX)? I've got an old G4 laptop that would feel really good about itself it were to be a GCS. :)

  • Nice one Todd, just what the doctor ordered. I was going to go with two separate GCS, one for the tow tug, another for the glider being towed. Both are APM 2.5-based. Can you elaborate on assigning unique MAV_SYS_ID to each aircraft? I'm using RFD900 telemetry

  • For those of you who aren't aware of this, QGroundControl already supports controlling multiple vehicles simultaneously.  I've attached a screenshot of my QGC2 controlling both a PX4 quad and an APM 2.6 quad.


    The only tricky bit to achieving this is that you need to assign different mavlink system IDs to each vehicle, so that QGC can tell  them apart.  In my case I achieved this by changing MAV_SYS_ID on the PX4-based vehicle.  

    Then, in the Mission tab you can right-click the vehicle you want to focus on and select "Control this system"

  • @Tommy the best install instructions for mavproxy I know of are on the qgroundcontrol site:


  • @Todd: I didn't know there was something like Mavproxy! :) I want to test this, but where can i find the installation instructions ? :)

  • @Nick Thanks. If you haven't already, please file an issue here:


    I haven't tested QGC on Windows personally, but I'll check the speed slider on OSX soon. 

    @Tommy Thanks for the details.  One option for now is to run mavproxy on your RPi (I run it on a beaglebone), and specify a UDP output.  Could you also file a feature request on https://github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/issues for TCP support in QGC?

    Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows) - mavlink/qgroundcontrol
  • ...some additional info to the crash investigations:

    It crashes when moving the "speed" slider when displaying a log file.

  • @Todd: I use an APM connected to a Raspberry Pi. The RPi has a ser2net connection at TCP which i connect to from a laptop using 3g. "ser2net" doesn't support UDP as far as i know....

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