Posted by James Goppert on November 17, 2010 at 9:55pm
ArduPilotMega integration with QGroundControl is finally finished. All of the basic functionality is there although there are some finishing touches that need to be done. I added the ability to set local/global waypoints and also actions (takeoff/land/etc.) to easily integrate with the existing APM autopilot software. A 3d osgearth view inspired from dronegcs is in the works and we hope to have it together soon.
Hi everyone! I've got a a Pixhawk autopilot, a Bormatec Maja airframe and a Samsung NX300 camera to perform some mapping projects. It seems that Pixhawk can be controled by APM Mission Planner or by QgroundControl. My question is: for mapping purpouses, wich one should I use? (APM PLANE 2.8 or QgroundControl 2.0.1? Thank's
For all those interested in small screens - this is QGroundControl with the latest dev branch running at 800x600. Binaries will be out soon for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
QGroundControl uses the mavlink protocol. This is used by many open source autopilot system already. On the APM side we had to implement a lot of functionality that didn't currently exist in our communication protocol it made more since to conform to this standard.
When I say no AP data I do not have any thing connected to the netbook. I am not referring to "ArduPilot" but Auto Pilot in general. Am I correct in that ArduPilotMega will show something? Or better yet I'll start back at the beginning and read all of your posts again. Being able to run your GCS on my ground station "toy computer" as my wife calls it - with out any mods what so ever is a first for me. Just clicked on the ...0.7.6.exe file and it worked to the point that you see from the screen shots!!
Looking good! The AP communication will be up and running as soon as we package 0.7.7 for windows. I'm using some new mavlink packets that the 0.7.6 doesn't know about right now.
Hi everyone!
I've got a a Pixhawk autopilot, a Bormatec Maja airframe and a Samsung NX300 camera to perform some mapping projects.
It seems that Pixhawk can be controled by APM Mission Planner or by QgroundControl.
My question is: for mapping purpouses, wich one should I use? (APM PLANE 2.8 or QgroundControl 2.0.1?
For all those interested in small screens - this is QGroundControl with the latest dev branch running at 800x600. Binaries will be out soon for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Thanks again,
Joseph Schauber ..
I have it running on the following setup with no Auto Pilot data just GCS:
Acer Aspire One
Intel(R) ATOM(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
1.00 GB
32 BIT Windows 7 Home Premium
160GB duel boot Ubuntu/Windows 7
Now is time to crank up my ArduPilot,ArduPilotMega and have fun and get an Arducopter as well. Oh to be 16 again!!!
Have a 1TB external to move all ... X-Plane and the rest over to it.