In the past 2 years we have been monitoring the Steller's Sea Eagles nests in remote regions of Siberia. Arducopter and Naza-based foldable quads were used. Be believed that this was the first (2012) successful deployment of the UAV for conservation of eagles in the world, which lead to a publication.
Usage of quads demonstrated a significant decrease of disturbance during nest surveys. Total time needed went down from 40-60 mins (climbing) to 3-4 mins (UAV flight in canopies). Flights were performed with the spotter and FPV equipment.
We have published a paper on the practicalities of usage of the quads in remote regions (no electricity, no roads, no computers) here (bilingual):
The activity was publicized on the Russian National TV (Sorry, Russian only)
Currently the Magadan State Nature Reserve is going to purchase long-distance fixed wing UAV to monitor bears and ungulates. Huge contrast to the USA ban on drones in National Parks.
In 2012 McGill University also conducted similar research flying Draganfly systems in Canada, studying raptor nests. Here's a link to a short video about the project.
Brief, well-produced videos about surveying nests without climbing trees in remote areas. Another example of UAS being used for our environment. Thanks for sharing the news.