Here's a fun competition between a KK navboard quad and one flying the Ardupirates version of the ArduCopter code. They're set to the same GPS position hold target and then, well, watch the video....Very dramatic ending!
Here's a fun competition between a KK navboard quad and one flying the Ardupirates version of the ArduCopter code. They're set to the same GPS position hold target and then, well, watch the video....Very dramatic ending!
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HA .. ha .... nobody comment about who is better ? KK or ardupirate ?
Here is The KK NaviBoard $350 !!! and you need to add KK Flight Controller $100 !!!
Its not $30 HobbyKing's KK board :)
what platform stay position better ?
Will be interesting to see the same for APMv1 and APMv2
It shows how bad the standard GPS + barometer package is at actually determining position. Nothing better has emerged in years.
Let the quad jousting tournament begin!
I believe KK is Ublox 6 so no.
Put shrouds on and really battle it out!
Do both use same GPS unit?
But the KK was flying in X and the ACP was flying in +. We all know that X is better than +.
That sort of puts me in mind of when Dean was testing how accurate his circles were. Take one fast plane and one slow one...
Two AttoPilot plane collision. from Dean Goedde on Vimeo.