I'm always on the look out for a "perfect" plane. What I've learned is that there is no such thing, every airframe is a compromise. The idea now is to find the most versatile aircraft. This might be it.
There has been a lot of buzz around this plane at FPVLAB and RCG. Range Video has been releasing tantalizing clips and updates for the past 6 months. According to their site, it goes on sale in February.
I'm particularly excited about this plane because it is designed to be versatile. It breaks down easily for storage and transportation, and will ship with two wing configurations. Additional wing extensions can be added for endurance and potential soaring. They have even proposed adding an additional fuselage.
The nose houses an integrated (no glare) pan tilt that is compatible with a GoPro.
A gentleman who goes by boopidoo on the forums is one of the designers and has posted a lot of good info.
The Range Video page has been updated with flight clips and shots from the manual.
Thus far, I've liked everything I've seen. I'm hoping this turns out to be my "perfect" plane. I can't wait to see some build logs and flight reviews. Ideally, someone will build one with APM 2.5 and share their experiences.
Just re-checked and they now have a shipping price to Australia of $331.41 by Global Express Guaranteed, which is only ship option to Aus. But i could get it shipped to New Zealand via GPE for same price or via USPS Priority for $72.04 ?
Can anyone explain this? do USPS not ship to Aust?
yes i did that and got no response, i am not rich enough to give them 700 and wait ( hope) they decide to give me some back!.
i will keep checking as it is a really interesting design
Sorry does anyone know if Range Video will be shipping to Australia ( not do you know, sorry)
I live in Australia and i am very interested in getting one of these. if i go to the Range video site it says the postage is ~$700 !!
IS this correct? do you have any plans to ship to Australia?
Agreed but 2 or 3 rvjets bolted together is going to beat the lot!
5.6kg was fine for a chuck launch. I want to hit 6kg but im more or less on mtow now I think.
The X8 does have more wing area and internal volume so if the goal is to carry maximum weight and volume as possible with no regard to other features then the X8 beats the RVJET simply because it's bigger. That should be obvious just comparing pictures of the two. IMO they are two very different airframes.
On the other hand, the X-10 beats X-8 because it's even larger...
5.6? Wow more than I thought!
Flew some nice flighrts with my X8 this weekend. With 2 x 4000mah 4S packs, shes heavy, but still managed to climb 200m in 5 minutes NO THROTTLE in a thermal. Was amazing! Still best value for money right now!
If you are in SA, new stock of the Skywalker1900 and X8's just unpacked at www.dronezone.co.za.
I like that two can be bolted together for more weight carrying.
Has anyone flown this heavy, if so whats the all up weight you managed? I've had 5.6kg with the X8