RC Heli-Redesign

RC Heli-Redesign

I teach at a high school that focuses on Manufacturing and Pre-Engineering in Los Angeles.

We have always used RC to teach design, the size is suitable for machining and 3D printing an over all great lesson in packaging all of the sub systems. (We usually don't fly, for many reasons, my students hate it) I came here to teach my students that finding people that are knowledgeable and willing to share is possible through communinties.

We recently were give a couple of Mikados, Logo 200 and a 400, so that my students can use them as a design study. So far we have documented a 200 and used it as a foundation in a drone concept.

We have a very well equipped machine shop and extensive experience in 3D printing.

We are looking to develop the prototype based on the 200 with MRO components for controls and have the option for a camera system. DJI air unit. Again its a design and packaging lesson, along with sub system integration.

The questions came up how to calculate the lifting capacity of the driveline we are using, along with how to balance the frame and sub systems. This is where I can not answer my students and are turning to the community to see what help you guys might provide.

Here are a few pictures of the project. All based on a Mikado Logo 200

We are machining the sub fram and SLS printing the outer shell. 



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