



Hawthorne, CA

About Me:

Instructor at the Hawthorne High: School of Manufacturing and Engineering CAD CAM Additive Manufacturing Robotics

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Robotics Rover


Hawthorne, CA

Activity Feed

Lucas Pacheco posted a blog post
I teach at a high school that focuses on Manufacturing and Pre-Engineering in Los Angeles.We have always used RC to teach design, the size is suitable for machining and 3D printing an over all great lesson in packaging all of the sub systems. (We…
Feb 1, 2024
Lucas Pacheco posted a blog post
We had the opportunity to build a rover for a demonstration that Northrop Grumman just had. Thought I would share it. The basic idea was to help address the bad wrap drones get from the news. NGC has been using something they call a Global…
Aug 1, 2017
Lucas Pacheco posted photos
Aug 1, 2017