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  • Can anyone order somethings?
    I was open the home page but login page wasnt response. And i cant order anything, then all site was worked like a magic but free day was finished!
  • Yeah same here. I wish I could have taken part but it is the thought that counts.
  • Moderator
    Anyway, I'm going to quit worrying about Freeday and getoverit.

    Thx SparkFun... I guess it's the thought that counts!
  • Moderator
    Are you using the term heroine loosely?

    I guess I'm thinking of the super camps up here in northern Alberta (2500 workers to a bldg), but no-one would ever call the few women who work there, heroines. (or even ladies for that matter)
  • Sort of like romance in Silicon Valley. 5,000,000 men emailing 1 heroine. Eventually they all give up & pay full price.
  • Yeah that 100k did seem to burn up real quick and I to couldn't get past a few spots. A couple times I could log in but then I couldn't get past the cart link or if I did get to my cart I couldn't checkout. I was doing it from IE and FireFox and trying to access accounts from my work computer and via a remote connection to my server at home and had no luck. Seems this experience and symptoms are pretty well spread with tons of people. I got my money that the server crashed and burned also.
  • Sean, it's more like the first hour people were clicking their way through the shopping cart pages and in the second hour they all made it to the submit button and collected their $100.
  • about an hour into it, on the IRC channel they said they were restarting the apache server, after that I got pages to load finally and the rest went super fast
  • Call it sour grapes whatever but I was on that page for 2 hours with 2 different internet connections(iPhone 3g and home network) and the site only loaded 2 times on both. I couldn't get past the checkout button. I also looked at the twitter and it didn't make sense. It took over an hour to give away 35k but it only took less than 40 min to give away 65k?! No way. I think the Sparkfun server crashed and burned so they decided to fake the rest of the giveaway from 35k. I'm just venting cause I killed 2 hours for nothing but either way I still love Sparkfun :)
  • Yeah Mark you gotta get the Comcast it really is the best ;)
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