The thread can be found here:
Step 5 includes information on using the output from ArduPilot to supply GPS, pitch and roll data to the OSD. Below are a few screenshots of an EasyCAP screen and the modifications to the config tool to indicate where the moving dashes are on the OSD.
Config Tool
where can i buy Remzibi's OSD ?
on DIY store out of stock :(
Have you tested this setup in the air, because I've tried to FLY_BY_WIRE with your previous code and got a feeling that servos answer is a little jerky ?
I've come to the conclusion (maybe wrong) that reconstructing nmea strings is to much time intensive (or beeing called to often). What about sending raw binary DIYd-0x3 IMU message to the OSD and ask Remzibi to write dedicated firmware to parse it ?
Another thing, the meeting of the eagle in France was amazing.