Are model planes dangerous? Are multicopters dangerous?
Below is a link to a thread showing what happens to people who thought they weren't.
WARNING: Most of the images in the thread are VERY graphic, including severed fingers and large open wounds!
Don't have a meal before viewing...
Please everyone, take an extra bit of care with your propeller driven craft! Safety of the people, safety of the vehicle.
Yes it's a "nice" reminder... dealing with a lot of customer repairs/tweaks/diagnostics I always remove the props and most of the time the customers are looking at me strangely like I should not be afraid...
well guess what, often I am glad I did!
I think I will print a couple of these pictures and put them on a wall (when I get walls done!)
It's really a good reminder!
I think time to time all of us should see this pictures to remember risk of our hobby.
Yes its pretty extreme don't have any children looking over your shoulder when opening the page. It underlines that propellers should always be removed when fiddling.
Right after my breakfast too...lovely...