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  • Agree with Doug, I couldn't believe the landing area and the fact that the planes could only takeoff and land in one direction.
  • That looks like so much fun. I really want to go next year!
  • Developer
    I think Sparkfun was dissappointed that no-one showed up with a quad to compete. They certainly biased the rules to favor VTOL. I was really impressed with how well the UAV's (all fixed wing) did as a group with the added tasks of auto take-off and landing, especially given how late Sparkfun threw the extra rules out there and how little info they gave on what the landing zone would actually be. When I found out it was a 15 second deduction for coming to rest in an area the size of a volleyball court with a building on one side and a crowd of people on the other I was a bit miffed. The fact that 2 teams actually pulled that off was awesome.

  • The only problem with the AR Drone is to this day Chris is the only one who has one. It's sort of like hearing how the $400 spaceship is revolutionizing space travel from the 1 cosmonaut.
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