Split Elevon Air Brake Testing on Flying Wing


I wanted to see if I could use a split elevon and some serious mixing to use a split elevon as an airbrake for my flying wing. The Raptor 100 is light and pretty tough, a perfect test platform! Lets try it.

Split the elevons in 2/5 and 3/5 lengths (to compensate for the leverage on the outer wing), added two more servos and some serious mixing on my 9x...

Worked great!

I'm planning on using something similar on my larger, heavier Raptor 140B and new Raptor 140C. These two airplanes are much heavier and suffer from a very long glide ratio and high speed stall, meaning a very long approach.

Have you tried this before? Anything I could to make it better?


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  • Dude! I love your show but you have to learn how to embed with full screen button enabled.

    If idea is to force viewers to go on your youtube - I am not going (don't have time for it) and I am not watching it is small window.

    Take you pick, you've lost a viewer or gained one!


  • I like your idea, I have an fx61 phantom that I have been thinking about adding decelerons for yaw control..

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