Sub $100 quad copter *
motors $7.99 x 4 = $31.96
esc $7.41 x 4 = $29.64
HK rip off KK control board = $23.99
3ft 10mm square carbon fiber tubing = $5
OrangeRx R610 Spektrum DSM2 6Ch 2.4Ghz Receiver = $5.99
== $96.60
*(Of course you need to have a 3d printer and an RC transmitter but everyone's got that already right? ;)
Email me at ezmobius@gmail.comif you want the stl files to print yourself or if you want me to print them for you...


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  • I'm working up a better detailed post after the maiden flight (soon as it stops raining in portland). I'll add the *.stl files and build log when I get that post up. Meanwhile if anyone really wants the files just email me and i'll get em to you, or I'll print you a set of center parts and motor mounts for cost of plastic and shipping.

  • Maybe you want to better show your parts, fits, and files?


  • Very cool.

    We also printed some Quad parts here in NC.

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