
Made a successful flight 21 June with the Easy Star and ardupilot 2.6
The flight was autonomous from the start of the video to 20:43:06 (time on video).

For this flight I forgot to install the gps tracker, so no nice flight path graphics:(

Header file used for this flight:AP_2_6_header.h (details on airframe are below)

Here is the video of the flight showing the Dutch polders.

Part 1

Part 2

This was the mission plan.


The airframe



Ardupilot 2.6 with shield v2 (mounted in the first opening under the wing)

XY and Z IR sensors

Ublox GPS (Mounted on the tailboom on top of the xy sensor)

900mHz xbee for telemetry

Turnigy B2835-2700 Motor with 30A ESC (mounted in the second opening)

Turnigy camera from Hobby King


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  • T3
    @morli and Jasonshort,
    You are both right it is best to have the antenna's in a vertical position.
    The Xbee antenna can bend 90 degrees up, I think the Ublox performance is sufficient in the horizontal position especially when it's flying. And it was easier to mount this way.
  • Developer
    The Ublox should also be mounted vertically. And Morli's right, you will see a major drop in Db from that Xbee configuration. The dipole antenna should be parallel with you receiver. For a plane that makes vertical best so you don't have drop outs during turns.
    Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipole_antenna and look for the drawing of the doughnut...
  • Admin
    xbee mounting doesn't seem right. IMHO The antenna orientation the way you have mounted will give lowest possible amount of RF signal exposure( unless you are going for altitude record) when you are flying to /from your base!! Is this the way you used it or is it only for the photo shoot? Congrats on log distane endurance flight.
  • Well done! Superb work, nerve racking thing flying over distance.

    Congrats well done!

  • T3
    I edited the post with more details.
  • Do you use ArduIMU?
  • Yes please, pictures of plane and header file would be nice. Looks like you have it well tuned.
  • Developer
    Very Cool,
    Could you publish details of your setup, KML or Telemetry if you have any, and your header file?
  • Moderator
    Excellent! What parts of this flight were autonomous?
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