Hello to All,
I have done successful tests flights with the version of the ArduCopter v2.0.51 (original firmware version, not modified). I have used a hands build quadcopter frame (550 mm wide) . In spite of the windy and gusty weather (wind 18 Km/h gusting 22 Km/h), I have been very suprised by the stability of my quadcopter with this new firmware (thanks to Jason and to the DIY Drones team).
I have tested some features such as: STABILIZE, SIMPLE, LOITER, ALT HOLD. All these modes works very well after a fine tuning.
You will find below my PID setup:
You may download My working PID setup parameters
Below some technical details about my quadcopter:
Hardware Setup:
- ArduMega 2560 + IMU Shield
- HMC5843 magnetometer
- GPS Mediatek MTK 16 (10 Hz)
- firmware Arducopter V2.0.51 (original version)
- Receiver: Turnigy 9X8C v2
- Transmitter: Turnigy 9x
- four brushless motors RC Timer BC-2836/11 (750 KV)
- two CW propellers 12 x 4.5
- two CCW propellers 12 x 4.5
- fours ESC 40A RC Timer speed controller
- one Lipo battery 3S Turnigy Nano-Tech 2200 mAh
- Take Off Weight (TOW): 988 g (without payload)
- Flight time: about 10 min
You will find a full photos album at:
more infos at: http://diydrones.com/profile/JeanLouisNaudin
I have exactly the same as you, except a 4000mA rechargeable batteryand has an endurance of 12 minutes. bizarre, this difference of autonomy.
Here my APM_Config.h file that I have used successfully,
Regards, Jean-Louis
// Tested in flight Config file for ArduCopter v2.0.51 - nov 27, 2011 - JL Naudin
// GPS is auto-selected
#define ACCEL_ALT_HOLD 1
#define USERHOOK_50HZLOOP userhook_50Hz();
#define USERHOOK_INIT userhook_init();
#define USERHOOK_VARIABLES "UserVariables.h"
Hello Amit,
The capacitor is only used as voltage protector to prevent some eventual drops of voltage (+5V) and it is optionnal... this works without the 4700 µF capacitor.
here some examples for Spektrum and Turnigy receivers: http://www.amainhobbies.com/product_info.php/cPath/61_124/products_...
Regards, Jean-Louis
Did you have any problem without the capacitor?
Hello Dragos,
The 4700 µF capacitors is connected to a free PPM output of the 2.4 Ghz receiver between the + and -. It is commonly used to avoid that some drops of voltage reset the receiver and thus put it in failsafe mode. I use a such capacitor in all my RC models which uses a 2.4 Ghz receiver.
Regards, Jean-Louis