So i finally got my brown bag from Sparkfun. I soldered all the pins, downloaded and installed the Arduino software from here:
I wanted to try the test programs from this page:
I got a FDTI cable from the DIY Drones store for using with my telemetry later, but found out that i can use it for downloading code to the board without the IMU shield attached.
FDTI cable attached and powering the card. The blue LED pulsates when servos are running. I uploaded the RC input testprogram.
After that i tried the "moving servos demo" and found out that the link for the zipfile on the page is wrong.
If you need some almost local assistance i'm in Stockholm. I have been flying the APM and had solved one or two issues on the way. If you need to update the Mega328 firmware i have the tools.
I can also recommend two Swedish distributors for Sparkfun. They keep almost the same prices but much less in shipping.
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