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  • No drift! Never had with the APM2. (which was o-ring mounted right from the start).

    That said, I presume you have already done your best to balance props and if relevant, motors?

  • Hmm good point.  I think that I will!

    Do you still have any drift issues with your APM 2 3DR?  That's what I am trying to eliminate, and I am almost 90% certain it's the vibrations

  • Jonathan,

    My experiences with o-ring suspension so far are good and my APM2 3DR quad flies well even though my test flight activities has inflicted some slightly bent prop adapters (but I bought a bunch of new ones today) now inducing vibrations in the frame. If you look back you fill find a pic on my o-ring suspension.

    I say you should not worry so much about lack of dampening. There is dampening in the O-ring rubber due to hysteresis related energy loss and I do believe the cable harnesses contributes as well. My advice: Just try it.


  • Curious to see if anyone has any luck with the mounting technique for the APM 2.0.  Did it significantly reduce vibrations and vibration induced drift issues during flight?  I am hoping to spend the weekend doing some testing and analysis on vibration isolation, and this may be a candidate for testing.  However, I am worried that there is really no dampener with this method.  I would think that adding some stiff foam or vibe-gel between the o-rings and the stand-offs would at least provide some dampening in the x and y direction accels.  I could be wrong though.  Experiences?

  • Developer



    You can see 4 ESC wires on the right, mag and gps are on the board so no wires here :) 

    how to connect ppm-sum to APM2 board (there is firmware support already)


    For APM1 you'll need to update the ppm-encoder:

    @Soren, yes its a dev-boards.

  • Hi,

    Eeeh silly question maybe? But: I have ordered and paid for an APM2, and not received it yet. I was not worried as is says in the store it is a pre-order. But how come that some of you already have one ready to install? Dud you get an early batch, or are you developers or testers...?



  • I intended to say: "BTW, my comments are NOT to imply the o-ring idea is bad". My apologies for the typo...

  • One more learning from the FBL area. Cabling can be a significant conduit for vibrations from the airframe to the controller such that all the vibration isolation and dampening in the world won't help because there is a direct path through the wires to the circuit board. Therefore it's important to ensure that the wiring is of small gauge and is "dressed" such that it's loose. Adding a loop so there is flexibility and not bundling the wires tightly helps. Except for power leads I try to use #22 size or smaller for signal leads. Here's a bad photo showing the slight loop and small gauge wires on a Logo 600 with an SK720:


    BTW, my comments are to imply the o-ring idea is bad. It's simple which is good. If there were some way to provide dampening it could be very effective.

  • THanks Gareth. Just checked it and it is very close but not touching so I think it's ok.

  • Hey Ron.

    Are you sure the bottom side of your magnetometer isnt touching the imu board. It looks a little close...

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