The end of my quad


Sadly, my little quad has been lost in Davey Jones' Locker, I fear. I thought I'd try a longer programmed flight, and I didn't account for what would happen if the TX and/or the telemetry radio lost signal. At least that's my theory. I thought it would execute RTL, but it appears it didn't. A couple minutes into the flight (when I lost sight of it beyond some trees (but over the water), the telemetry radio stopped tracking. I went out to the beach and looked around, but the water gets really deep really fast out there, so I suspect it's at the bottom in 20-30 feet of water. I'm sad. Here's the last image from my computer...

[edit] I have a new theory...see my comment on page 2. Maybe it's not in the ocean, after all? According to the source code, the default RTL altitude is "1500cm (=15m). If zero the copter will return at it's altitude at the time RTL was invoked." I'm not sure I ever changed the default, and if that's true and RTL did engage on loss of signal, it's almost definitely going to be in the trees.

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  • Unfortunately it was at low tide. The water's really deep, and there's a strong riptide on these beaches (no swimming anywhere!), so if it did drift in the tides at all, it'd be towards the open ocean. I'll go walk the dog down the beach this evening and see if there's any sign of it, but I seriously doubt it. 

    In hindsight, it would be nice to know how that logic works.

  • My condolences for your loss. But perhaps you are lucky and find it again I keep my fingers crossed!!

    The guys over at "my geekshow" tried every function in the line of sight with their fingers on the transmitter.... anyway everybody has good tips afterwards....

  • My friend's DJI dove in the middle of Shenzhen Bay and found it washed ashore during low tide, dried it up and flew again.
  • What about checking the sand during low tide? I'm sorry for your loss.
  • You live next to a beach, no way that you can find some sub equipment? :)

    If you have nothing better to do ;)

  • MR60
    Oh sh@&€. Very sad. Could you eventually try to locate it based on last known gps positions and movement direction?
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