I see a very exciting future for the micro drone! Say the size and weight of this Hobby King Q-Bot quadcopter. The reason being these small drones are far quieter and offer far less danger to people, aircraft, cars, motorcycles, children and even pets!
I see a world of useful and safe personal drones with all the features of arducopter and then some that everyone can enjoy safely! I see a lot of fun being had with micro drones WITHOUT any regulations needed.
I'm willing to bet this is the true future of the drone revolution! The micro drone!
Sure I see what a lot of people want to do commercially with larger drones, but the true future of the personal drone must be the micro drone!
Have you ever flown a Q-Bot? The flight times are actually great! They are a heck of a lot of fun too. All I'm saying really is I'd like to see more focus on the tiny drone with no more weight than the Q-Bot. Sure I see a lot of small drones but anything that weighs more than a Q-Bot is going to be just a little bit too much momentum.
The future of the personal drone is without a doubt the micro drone and nearly everyone will have one of these.
Just pull the back off your cellphone and throw it in the air it's a micro drone!
I flown lots of micro quads Q-bot/V929 160mm into the wind and really high altitude so far i have never encounter problem with windy days, It flew much better and can penetrate anywhere i wanted to go than my 450/600 size multirotor. Its all about getting the right props and weight to encounter various type of flying condition. Here the video:
Try out the Q-Bot it flies nice in a stiff breeze. It think it's about the perfect size.
How about a video game that puts the game on your playing field in 3D with multiple drones providing the background generation and players? lol
Seriously though the Micro Drone is what we need to really realize the usefulness of personal drones.
Things like make a 3D scan of yourself and put yourself into a video game. lol
I agree and this platform could make that possible along with things we haven't even thought of yet. I suppose you could do a 3D scan of a large object and all kinds of cool things to come.