Whirl wind land
Whirl wind land
About Me:
Flying scale models, 3D aerobatic flight and FPV/UAV built as hobby. Like to build DIY stuff and some 3D designs related to R/C models. Enjoy working on open source Arduino based FC: APM 2.5/2.6, Multiwii/Multinano and anything small pint size boards.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
I like to sit inside scale model planes cockpit and fly. Usually i like a smaller size unmanned platform below 1 meter wingpan weighted lightweight below 700gram and super lightweight multirotor that floats for everything that flies because its challenging and safer. My aim is build the smallest possible platform using existing and cheaper technology for everyone to enjoy. Sharing is caring. Visit http://www.supermotoxl.com for my scale FPV setup and other R/C interest.
The tropical island of the wind.